Single Marketing Plan Template Builds Big Picture or Simple Plans

DM and PPC Singles are the core marketing plan templates to build a plan to create sales with all the relevant information that determine the P&L. They also are the simplest and easiest marketing plan temple to create.

 The simple plan approach is to create a low advertising expense scenario with correct costs for processing orders at low scale. The key variables to analyze are response rates and conversion rates. The big picture view is a create an annual plan assuming much higher circulations – or pay per click expeditures – to see the high volume numbers. 

 To complete a plan, you simply fill in the empty key driver input boxes in the top half – the area above the bold line. These are the key drivers that will determine profitability. The results calculate below the yellow arrow and bold line to tell you exactly the plan profitability. Then you can change each key driver input to what-if and see various scenarios and results.

Most marketing campaigns have good segments and lower segments in terms of response, conversions, sales and profitability. After the single Big Picture plan numbers look positive, then you use Multi and Group marketing plan templates to breakdown the big picture into segments with high to results.

 The Single Marketing Plan Template pages printout in size 11 X 8 1/2. The full page you see below is DM Single. The difference between DM and PPC is how responses are generated. DM response drivers are circulations, advertising costs and response rates. PPC response drivers are cost per click maximum bid and maximum amount of total spend in a time period (day, week, month, etc.) DM has two pages. The first page is the overall plan as you see below. 

After responses are received, DM an PPC share a common driver: The percent of responses that are “Qualified Sold and Shipped”.

The remaining drivers that determine profitability are the same for both DM and PPC.

This is also true for Groups and Multi templates. Aside from how responses are generated, the remaining profit key drivers are the same.

DM Single Template from

The second page of DM Single (below) is analytics that tell the Response Rate Required to acheive Income levels of Breakeven (0%), 10%, 20%, and 30%.

The Response Variance Analysis section calculates Sales and Net Income at the Plan response rate and also at Plan less 10%, less 20%, plus 10%, and plus 20%.

This range of response rates and results helps assess risk and reward if results come in less or greater than planned.

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