MPP connects your plan to bottom line profit for paid search advertsing (ppc), space, email and direct mail!

 The only Marketing Plan Template with Metrics

Marketing Profit Plan (MPP) is desktop software that builds e-commerce Pay Per Click, Direct Mail and Email marketing plans. Each plan has complete marketing details from over 23 key drivers including response rates, sales, product costs and a detailed Profit & Loss statement.

  • Make better marketing decisions when you see the P&L results.

  • Plan quickly and easily with pre-built templates for single ads, groups of up to 199 keycodes, chain up to 15 plans together in sequences for converting leads to sales.

  • What-if scenarios help you find the right approach to maximize sales and profits.

  • MPP reports include breakeven and the P&L impact of response variances, up and down.

  • MPP reports connect “A to S” and “Income.” This gives you remarkable insights to control profit. A to S control is explained in our web post section P&L Management.

  • One person can create hundreds of campaigns a month with the MPP Excel based desktop system.

  • Only $295 complete. A trial version that opens 5 times is available.

  • Order at the bottom of this page.


Campaign P&L”

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240312 Income Statement


Income Statement with financial details.

MPP is for e-commerce Marketing Directors, CEOs and Entreprenuers

Any business that wants to connect marketing spending to bottom-line results!

“What is your Customer Acquisition Cost?”

kevin oleary

ABC Shark Tank investor personalities always ask deal seekers about the cost to get new customers.

MPP automatically calculates New Customer Acquisitiion Cost. If deal  seekers used Marketing Profit Plan to create their numbers, more deals would happen instead of “You’re dead to me”.

Advertising Net Expense Per Sale Equals New Customer Acquisition cost.

Analytics Per Sale

“Sales are going up but we have no cash?”

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MPP Projects Cash Flow!

Many expenses must be paid before sales start. MPP key timing  drivers calculate estimated cash flows out, flows in and the net.

CashFlow Data

“This idea looks great! Let’s test it quickly!”

One Minute

What-If and Discover New Strategies

Build Higher Sales and Profits

Today’s marketing mantra is “Test! Test! Test!”

MPP is the perfect number cruncher to what-if new strategies. The ease of use and flexibility creates more time to think and quickly see bottom-line results.

“Oh No …… I forgot to include the  ‘!# & % X!’  costs!”

dumb me 3965

MPP Always Include Everything!

MPP prevents spreadsheet omissions and mistakes from happening. All key factors that determine sales and profit are included. All calculations are visible and consistent.

“What’s in this number?”

angry finger pointer 5038

Eliminate Uncertainty About Numbers

MPP plans answer questions before they are asked. Confusion is replaced with clarity. All MPP key drivers are visible. The Glossary explains every category and calculation.  No mumbo-jumbo or jargon. No hidden calculations!

Marketing Profit Plan templates build any type of campaign!

MPP workbook and templates are simple, yet comprehensive. There are six planning templates. The three PPC templates and three Direct Marketing templates are different in the advertising key inputs. The other sections and drivers are all the same. The Income Statement information is identical on all six templates.

Within PPC and DM there are three templates: Single, Group, and Multi.

Single is the core template to build a plan, It has all the relevant information plus special analytics.

The Group template is for campaigns. You build a separate external workbook after you select how may rows for key codes you want, from 3 to 199.

Multi is the most versatile template …. the Swiss Army Knife for planning. Multi plans from 1 to 15 Singles individually and totals the results in a combined P&L. It is extremely useful for planning multi-step programs from inquiry to conversion, campaigns by channel (DM or PPC) or type (Amazon vs PPC), time periods (seasonal. annual, quarterly, monthly), customers vs prospecting, or any other grouping. Multi also can be used to construct the annual business plan financial component.


Anyone can master using MPP!

MPP runs on any Microsoft Excel 64 bit version after 2013. When the MPP workbook opens, the Excel ribbon and the Excel complexity are hidden. This makes MPP simple and easy to use. Anyone can be planning right away without trying to figure out Excel’s controls. 

All MPP calculations are protected so you do not have to worry about breaking anything. Only the key driver input fields are open for input. MPP does not store new plan sheets. Every time you open MPP, it starts with a clean slate. 

Plans are printed, saved to PDF, or with Group templates made into a separate standalone workbooks.

The Quick Start guide comes in the software download to setup right away.

Order now!  You will be creating plans in just a few minutes.


Marketing Profit Plan
Lifetime License is only $295.

Try MPP Risk Free with our 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Marketing Profit Plan Trial

This trial version is fully functional, but only opens five (5) times.

You can build as many plans as you like within the 5 openings.

The charge is $25.00

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